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No absence,The whole family went to a restaurant nearby to celebrate for this day. The place was large enough and bright.The food was good and in abundance.But my most favourite time is the talking time.As it is some tradition the family all abide,everytime after the birthday dinner we talked for some hours.Oh not "we",actually,most of the time i was listening.When grandpa,my uncles or my dad they talked about the history of the family or the hard time of their past,i was  absorbed and felt like it's my own experience.Some friends of mine even knew little about how their family came to today.I say, they have lost a lot.Life is a river but not a burning flame (I have no word to give out so filled this HARD sentence in.).
( New word in the post i learned today:abundance abide absorb)
posted on 2005-08-17 02:00 xiaoranzzz 阅读(179) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 已标点


# re: Birthday of grandma 2005-12-24 10:20 merry christmas
Grand old men always like talking their past time. Grandpa ever was an armyman. He stayed in the North Korea for 2 years, just for the famous war which leaded by PengDehuai. The time was dangerous and crazy. My grandpa is faithful. However, after the war, he didn’t stay in the army, he leaved there just for family. From that on, living a peace life.
Now, he is 78 years old. Old but healthy, with a lot of offspring.
He always likes talking the war time. And we listen to him since we are child. Now, when I come back home, I still will listen to his story seriously though I know the everything, because I understand that he is happy when he talking the past.
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