Nothing As Pure Anymore But Solitude.











    <Shark> is a new drama I watched last month while I was revising my Ph. D dissertation. Although my time was so limited even with working, I still finished the first season of this breath-taking  drama. In this drama, everyone has a unique haracteristic that would be attactive, of course, Sabastian Stark is the outstanding one, as a brilliant lawyer, a skilled speaker, a severe boss and an unmature father...His discipline in work includes: 1. Trail is war, second place is death; 2. Truth is realative, pick one that works; 3. Jury is the only factor that matters in court. Sabastian is a complicated character starring in this wonderful play, here I am going to talk about some speaking skills he used in the court combined with my 6 month experience in Toastmaster Club. 

Research your topic
    One of the goals of communication is to sell your idea, let others receive it with reason. Especially for a lawyer who wants to prove his/her points are definitely right and to persuade the jury to believe what he/she says. To make this successful, your have to fullfill your speach with truth, authentical statistics, scientific data and so on, which would make your speach acceptable and reasonable. Stark, the shark in court, does a lot of research on his topic. He and his guys tried to collect as much as possible the details and prooves to support his point and almost everytime some disregarded tiny details would save them from the passive situation.

Know your audience
    There is also another research you should do before you deliver your speach, your audience. Who are they? What they do? What they like or hate? Even their glary or shameful history. This might be difficult for us normal persons to achieve, but to know as much as possible would help. In the darma, the audience Stark has to face is the jury, who will decide which side is right, which side is wrong and who wins, who loses. Stark knows well who are listenning and he would focus on what kind of story he is telling, which part of the story would touch the listenners. Sometimes he "use" their sympathy, sometimes their anger and sometimes their hatred and magically lead them to the "scene" and guide their judgements. 

Practice, practice and practice
    "One minute on stage, ten years behind". Your excellent delivery of your speach depends on diligent practice before the day. Your familiarity of your materials, your fluency, your proper gestures, your emotion, your eye contact with the audience...all depends on a lot of practice. Stark has his own court in the basement under his house, and he does a lot of practice with his defence until it turns to be perfect in the mimic situation, so he could "play" well in real court with all the speaking skills wonderfully performed.   

    These are some points I got while watching, maybe you will learn more if you pay a little more attention. Enjoy the <Shark>, a nice drama!

Daedeok Toastmaster Club Meeting, 2006

    The Toastmaster Club is an international organization aiming at imporving individual speaking and leadership skills. I have learnt a lot from this club in Deajeon named Daedeok Toastmaster Club (DTC) and also made a lot of great friends there who I would always remember during the rest of my life: Hilton, Yunmi, Sungil, Moonyoung, Alan, Ali, Harvey, Ken, Marew, Frank, Jieun, Krishna and so many others, I love and miss you all, my friends!
posted on 2007-06-30 16:47 珠点心 阅读(71) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏
  • # re: Learn pubilc speaking from Shark  XM Posted @ 2007-07-02 00:41
    MM, I feel happy and peaceful when I was reading your papers in your blog. I don't know why.
    Best wish to you!
      回复  更多评论   

  • # re: Learn pubilc speaking from Shark  珠点心 Posted @ 2007-07-02 07:43
    Thank you, MM ^^ I will be happier if you feel like that way. BTW, your blog is also filled with some true and soft "things" that really touched my heart!   回复  更多评论   

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