
1、Learning Goal(学习目标)
1. Do you think you’re suitable for your current job?

2. Why is it your ideal one?

3. Are you in your ideal career currently?

4. How to create your ideal career?


2、Materials for Referenc

1. Some tips to follow

To deepen your understanding of the role of your career in your life

To paint a picture of what an ideal career looks like, and to help you assess your current career in that light

To help you identify the right field and type of work for you

To encourage you not to settle for a career that isn’t deeply ideal

To balance practical issues like income, job satisfaction, and your personal qualifications

To help you navigate the transition to a new career if that is something you want to do

To offer some career development tips to assist you in your ongoing professional growth

2. How to create the ideal career?

An ideal career is something you need to create. It isn’t something you just find, since the word “find” implies a passive role on your part, as if your ideal career is already out there somewhere, and you simply need to locate it. You can find a job, but perhaps it’s not accurate to say that you can find an ideal career unless you get really lucky.

Similarly, try not to use the phrase “build a career,” since perhaps that implies you’ll follow an established blueprint and knock out a career via some sort of cookie cutter manufacturing process. While professional growth is a key part of any meaningful career, your career is uniquely your own, and the construction process will be very personal.

The reason why we use the word “create” is because the development of a truly ideal career is a highly creative endeavor, and you are the ultimate creator. Cultivating a good career is like creating the Mona Lisa. The right tools and strategies will only get you partway there — the soul of the artist is necessary to create something worthwhile.

You are the star of your own career path. Don’t make the mistake of trying to copy someone else’s path. Learn to express that which is uniquely you. You can’t follow in another person’s footsteps, and no one else will be able to follow yours.

identify    v.  识别, 鉴定, 认明; 认同; 感同身受; 一致
navigate    v.  航行于, 操纵, 驾驶; 航行, 航空; 导航; 驾驶船舶
ongoing     adj.  前进的, 进行的
imply       v.  暗示; 意味
passive     n.  被动语态; 被动态的动词
            adj.  消极的, 被动的
accurate    adj.  准确的; 精确的; 正确的
construction    n.  建筑; 解释; 建筑物
ultimate    n.  终极, 顶点, 根本
            adj.  终极的, 极限的, 根本的
strategy    n.  策略, 军略
express     n.  快车; 专使; 快递
            v.  表达; 表示
            adj.  急速的, 明确的

posted on 2008-03-24 09:02 北纬36 阅读(498) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: English Express