
The secession of Dr. Newman
  The secession of Dr. Newman to the Church of Rome closed, in truth, the history of the re¬ligious movement of which he was the leader. With him its genius, its poetry, its chivalry, its fascinations for high intellects and spiritual na¬tures passed away. Since that time it has al¬most lost its spiritual character, and degenerated into a mere State Church combination, the sub¬servient ally of political Toiyism, and the tool of the Tory chiefs. Twenty years ago it carried with it almost all the powerful intellects of the University; now it has decisively lost them all. Romanizing extravagances in ceremonial, lan¬guage, dress, and all that Carlyle calls the  millinery and upholstery part of the move¬ment, still Supra Footwear go on; but these are the freaks and toys of children, not the deliberate efforts of men Supra Sneakers to master the intellect of the world.
Since the catastrophe of Tractarianism the proper interests of the University have revived, and a more liberal spirit has begun to pervade our society and administration. The Tractarian movement, though itself reactionary, broke up old Anglican and Tory prejudices, Weaned act¬ive minds from subservience to custom and tra¬dition, loosened the soil in all directions, and prepared the ground for healthier plants to grow. Having trained those Supra Shoes who were influenced by it to rest on authority instead of resting on truth, it, of course, at its downfall, left behind it a certain amount of religious perplexity and dis¬tress peculiar to Oxford, besides what is gener¬ally prevalent in an age of final transition from false authority to ratiunal religion. But this is accidental, and, as Oxford teachers and students brace themselves to their proper duties, it will pass away.
Meantime our course of education, till lately confined to classics and mathematics, is being rendered more liberal and more adequate to the needs of our age by the admission of Science, History, Jurisprudence, and Political Economy. The Museum, newly built on the north of the city, and the Taylor Institution for the study of modern languages, are the architectural ex¬pressions of an onward movement in education almost as important as that which substituted classical literature for the scholastic philosophy in the sixteenth century.

posted on 2010-11-15 08:47 supra 阅读(79) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
